What’s Ukraine’s most popular messaging app?

What’s Ukraine’s most popular messaging app?

Telegram is Ukraine’s most popular messaging app. The app, which has more than 550 million monthly users globally, was banned in Russia in 2018 after its founder Pavel Durov refused to give the authorities access to its user data. Russia lifted the ban in mid-2020. Telegram became a 24-hour news source for civilians, journalists, and even the military in the Ukrainian war._x000D_

Does Telegram block Russian and Ukrainian communications?

_x000D_”We do not want Telegram to be used as a tool that exacerbates conflicts and incites ethnic hatred,” 37-year-old Durov posted on Feb. 27, 2022, as Telegram has been heavily used to spread fake news related to the war. Hours later, he changed his mind, following mass requests from users, who said it was their only source of information. “Double-check and do not take on faith the data that is published in Telegram channels during this difficult period,” Durov advised.